Rev. Hugh Balfour
I have known Caroline for nearly 20 years since she first joined Christ Church. During that time, we have seen her grow in godliness and in spiritual understanding. She has made huge strides in overcoming the difficulties of her childhood in Uganda. She is active in many areas of Christian service. She is a key and gifted member of our children’s ministry team and she runs much of the church’s day to day administration. Most of all, her passion for evangelism means she is regularly going out on the streets to share the good news of Jesus.

Sandy Spencer
Work Health Wellbeing and Leadership Coach and Clinician
Having worked with Caroline for over a year at Kings College I really got to know her and to see first hand that she is a true woman of God. At all times she lived through her calm faith no matter what the challenges were and there were many in the NHS. She was always ready to listen and to support her colleagues and, even though the workload was high, she always found time for quiet prayer. I was therefore not at all surprised to hear that she had moved into full-time ministry as truth, love and the gospel were, and always will be, her true vocation in life. Caroline deserves all the support she needs as she moves into this next part of her life as I know she will impact on people’s lives for generations to come. She was a pleasure to work with, and to know, and I wish her well for her future.

Dale Onayiga
Praise the Lord for you, Caroline, a great evangelist for Jesus you listen to what God says to you and, you are determined to put it into action. And you have such a heart for God you do not want to let Him down. You are on fire for God.

Lorna Shaw
Caroline is a dear friend and a treasured sister in Christ. She is a wife, mother, grandmother and has been instrumental in leading her family to faith, which saw her wait ten years for one family member to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour. But she never gave up hope because she knows the goodness of God.
Caroline is a valued member of the leadership team at our church. She works hard to keep the day-to-day running of the church smoothly and in an orderly fashion.
She is a true worshipper, passionate in seeking after God, and is relentless in going after lost souls for Jesus. She brings the word of God in its fullness and not a diluted version.
Her life is a true testimony of God's grace.
Many blessings.

Bose Joseph
Housing Officer
I have known Caroline for the past 24 years, and she has been an advocate for Christ throughout. She fears God and is always willing to help. She continuously fasts and prays. I knew she would be an evangelist one day because that’s her calling. I am delighted that she is doing what God has called her to do because she is gifted to evangelise.

Richard Frempong
Performance Matron
I have, known Caroline for many years when we worked together in the NHS. As a performance matron, I often have to respond quickly to developing situations that would have been impossible without the dedication and ever-ready support of Caroline.
She was always willing to help. I do not doubt that the motivating factor is her spiritual belief. Her calm approach in responding to even challenging situations has encouraged many to look up to her and follow the spiritual path even at work.
God loves people who love others and take care of them. I am blessed to have a friend like you. I think you are God’s favorite person. Stay blessed